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Sep 30, 2024

This is how we make life work when battling breast cancer.  Christi and Natalie gear up for Breast Cancer Awareness month as they sit down to rehash the events of 2018. 

We are digging in unscripted with Natalie's story from her Breast Cancer Diagnosis and how God can take something horrible and turn into beauty. Going...

Sep 13, 2024

We're diving into unchartered terrirtory today. How do we make life work in the midst of political turbulence? No personal viewpoints here. Just some tangible advice on how we keep our peace when things around us are wild! 

Do we take the approach of avoidance to protect our peace? Or do we immerse ourselves in it?...

Sep 12, 2024

This is how we make life work when we are faced with grief and loss.  What does life look like when we unpack the vasntess of grief? 


Grief isn't just the loss of someONE. Sometimes we grive the loss of 'what was', a season, or even an unwelcome change.

And can we just 'catch a break'?  Probably not! Grief is like an...